Tarkes Reliably Conducts Inspections for Loimaan Kaukolämpö


The accredited inspection services of Tarkes’ subsidiary, Insteam Oy, ensure that products, processes, and services meet specific standards and requirements. Loimaan Kaukolämpö Oy has trusted Tarkes’ inspection and training services for over 10 years.

– Collaboration, personal chemistry, and service are the reasons we’ve chosen Tarkes to conduct our statutory and essential inspections, says Tero Tähtinen, CEO of Loimaan Kaukolämpö. – We highly value flexibility and competence in our partnership. Throughout our entire supply chain, it’s important that the operators are reliable and top professionals in their field.
Loimaan Kaukolämpö Oy provides and delivers heat to nearly a thousand locations, including single-family homes, row houses, apartment buildings, industrial and commercial buildings, and public sector facilities. The company, founded in 1979, has been focused on energy efficiency long before the green transition became a widely discussed topic. It produces green energy, and Tarkes ensures that the processes align with this focus.

– We rely on Tarkes for inspections required by law, permit-related matters, and periodic and modification inspections of our district heating boilers, such as operational and internal inspections and pressure tests at all three of our plants. From Tarkes, we always receive clear inspection reports, which help us ensure the safe operation of our boilers, Tähtinen adds

Additionally, the company’s personnel receive regulatory training in cooperation with Tarkes.

Tarkes’ training programs include pressure equipment safety, B-level boiler operator training, chemical safety, storage tanks and piping, safety requirements for liquefied petroleum gas facilities, bio- and natural gas piping, and welding quality management.